Neighborhood Alert

This is a neighborhood alert for SVMHP residents, based on an unusual incident at Rancho SB.  Please be alert for any unusual activities or solicitors, and if you may have seen anything possibly related to this incident report it to any SVMHA Board member and to our park managers. We also welcome Comments below.

Incident summary as reported to SVMHA President by a Rancho resident

Location: Rancho SB, near the golf club house
Time: 9AM Mon 21 June 2010
Suspect: middle-aged male, average looking, sport shirt, regular pants.
Witness Reports:
1. My computer station overlooks the golf course.
I watched a middle-aged man walk from San Vicente
direction right into my neighbor’s carport and knock
on my neighbor’s door. [The resident] did not hear the knock …
so the man returned to the street and went around to the
other side of [the] home where there is a screen porch.
[The resident] answered the door there.

2. The man said something about an accident to [resident]
and asked if he could use [the] phone. Then the
man asked [resident] for $100 (yes, that’s right: one hundred).
[He] gave the man $100 and the man left … and walked
down the street from the golf course (stream side road).
The man told [him] that he lived ‘about four houses down’
which is [incorrect].
…I overheard another golfer
tell [resident] to report it to (Manager) Bob Jowers.
([resident] had talked with the golfers about it.)

3. [golfer] said that someone saw the man running away.
[golfer] got in his car and tried to find the man but did not
see him any where in his search.

Links Are Lovable

The great thing about Links is that you can click them! For example when you’re reading along in a Page, Post or Comment and you see a link to let’s say someone’s blog, you can just click on the link and instantly you’re somewhere new.

So in case you’re ready to make your first link, here are some steps you can use:

1. Start a new Post to get yourself into Edit mode.
2. Write a sentence or two about whatever you’d like make a Link to.
3. Highlight a word or phrase most relevant to the link.
4. Open another browser window and copy the “URL” address (http://…etc).
5. Back in your Post, click the chain link icon atop the edit window:

Edit Window Icons
Edit Window Icons

It’s the one in the top row of this image, sixth from the right, that looks like
a chain link. Note that it will be “dim” looking if you don’t have something
highlighted in your edit window.

6. A little box magically opens, and you paste in the “http://…” stuff you copied before.
7. Finish your Post and Publish it, then enjoy the glow of having made your first link!

Photos of Steps

1. Start new post by clicking the button at the top (when you’re logged in):

New Post button
New Post button

2. Write something:

New Post With Link - step 2
New Post With Link - step 2

3. Highlight something:

New Post - Link step 3
Closeup of Highlighted Text

4. Open a browser window and copy the “URL” address (or manually type it in):

Open destination page & copy URL

Here the destination page (WordPress Support page about Links) has been
opened in a new window and the URL address has been highlighted and copied.

5. Click the chain link icon (closeups):

Click the Link icon

6. A link box opens, and you paste in the “http://…” stuff you copied:

The "Insert/Edit Link" box opens
Paste in the URL address you copied

Click the “Insert” button at the bottom-right of the box, or just hit Enter.

7. Your link is done, so you can finish your Post and Publish it.

The link is done!

Note that you can add as many links as you dare, just by repeating the steps. Sometimes it looks cool to bold the link text, but just being a link will make it stand out in your Post or Page.

This all looks really scary, but once you’ve done it a couple of times it will be trivial. Really! 🙂

Getting More Useful

Seems to me this website is getting more useful, and I’m celebrating that! Also feeling lots of appreciation to those who have stepped forward to help. All this techie stuff may seem overwhelming, so I hope everyone feels comfortable to just ignore it unless/until you’re interested. The basics we covered today (and maybe stuff on the Help page) are probably plenty to get people started making Comments and hopefully Posts. To edit the Pages you’ll want to understand making Links, but other than that is it mostly pretty easy?


The Online Committee will occasionally create a copy of everything on our website to store as a file in their computer in case of problems. This would enable us to restore everything if a hacker somehow destroyed it, or one of us messed things up somehow. Because our site is automatically backed up by WordPress it’s unlikely we’d ever need to use our backup, but it does provide an extra degree of protection. Below is a description of the simple steps to create a backup file, and some information about the more complex process of using one to restore the website in the event we ever need to.


1. Log in as Administrator (other Roles don’t have access to this feature).

2. Click “My Dashboard” and then “Tools” and “Export” as in this screen excerpt:

Export screen (top left corner)
Export screen (top left corner)

3. Check the settings (defaults are probably best).

4. Save the file on your computer and/or a CD for safe storage.

Note that multiple copies saved by different people are a good idea.


1. Determine if the entire website must be re-created; or just the Pages, Posts and Comments.

2. If just the latter, log in as Administrator and click “My Dashboard” and then “Tools” and “Import” as in this screen excerpt:

Import screen (top left corner)
Import screen (top left corner)

3. Choose the “WordPress” option near the bottom of the list and follow the directions.

Recreate Site

We’ll probably never need to do this! To recreate the site, contact WordPress first to see if they can help. They might be able to do it for you, or perhaps enable you to at least use our familiar address rather than starting from scratch with a new address.

Potentially Helpful Info:

Theme: Fadtastic


Sidebar 1

  • Recent Posts
  • Calendar (Posts by Date)
  • Archives (Posts by Month).

Sidebar 2

  • Text (Handy Links)

<B><P><a href=”″>Local News</a></p>
<P><a href=””>Local Weather</a></p>
<P><a href=””>St. Vincent’s</a></p>
<P><a href=””>CA Ombudsman</a></p>
<P><a href=””>GSMOL Online</a></p>
<P><a href=””>CoMo-CAL Online</a></p>

  • Recent Comments (no title, show 8, no avatars)
  • Blog Subscriptions (Notification of Posts)
    • Logged in: “Click the button to get notifications of new Posts on this site in your email.”
    • Non-WordPress: “WordPress Subscription – Click the button to enter your email address and subscribe to WordPress (see our <a href=””>Help</a&gt; page) so that you can then click here again to subscribe to email notifications of new posts here on SVMHA.”
    • Subscription Button: “Get Update Emails”
  • Text (Admin)

<B><a href=”;redirect_to=”>Log IN-Home Pg</a></b><BR>
<B><a href=””>Log IN-Dashboard</a></b><BR>
<B><a href=”;redirect_to=”>Log OUT</a></b>



General Settings
General Settings

Writing (default settings)


Reading Settings
Reading Settings (excerpt of screen)

Invitation Text:


The San Vicente Mobile Homeowner’s Association invites you to join our online community.  On this website you can find information and documents related to your Board, find out what’s new in your neigbhorhood, and enter into the dialog.

How to Join SVMHA online:

1. In this email you received from “WordPress” click on the link after the words:
“To accept this invitation, visit …”
*NOTE: If clicking doesn’t take you to a signup screen, copy the link and
paste it into the Location window of your web browser application to reach the
signup website.

2. Be sure you have some handy way to take notes, either on your computer or a
pad of paper you’ll be able to find later.  On your web browser’s screen will be
the screen to “Get your own account…” and in the “Username” box
type in the name you’d like (see attached file 2-NewUserSignupScreen.jpg where
“Test” was chosen).  Write down this name on your pad or in the file on your

3. Choose a password and be sure to write it down.  Note the password strength
indicator, that will change as you improve the quality of it.  Choosing a Strong
password is HIGHLY recommended, to prevent hackers from gaining access to your
personal info and potentially that of other users.  Strong passwords will
contain both letters and symbols.  Do NOT use anything easy to figure out, such
as common words.  An easy method is to make up a “sounds like” phrase containing
numbers that’s relevant to SVMHA and all in one word, for example: ta2sv4fun!
That is: Test Account (ta) to (2) San Vicente (sv) for (4) fun!  Of course,
don’t use that password since the hackers can now find it online and defeat our

4. Type in the email address you’d like the SVMHA website to use for contacting
you.  This will also be handy if you lose your password, because the site can
email a new one to you.  Click the “…terms of service” link if you’d like to
see it, or click the “I have read…” box if you’re a trusting person.

5. Choose whether you’d like to just have an account for use on the SVMHA site,
or the default selection which is to additionally start your own site.  Either
is fine, since you don’t have to ever use the site created if you forget to
click the button for “Just a username…”

6. You’ll be taken to a new screen where you can customize your account a
little, but if you do be sure to write down what you put there.  Instead though,
it’s easier to simply ignore that screen and check your email.  A new email will
have been sent to you from WordPress and inside it will be the line “click on
the following…”  If clicking on it doesn’t work automatically, again you can
copy it and paste it into the Location window of your web browsing software.
Rather than click the link to log in on this screen, it can be helpful to
instead log in by clicking on “Log in” at the lower right under “ADMIN” on the
SVMHA website  This will probably be the login
screen you most often use, so it will be familiar and your web browser may have
an option to automatically remember your name and password for convenience.  You
can also click the “Remember Me” button on the login screen so that the website
may remember you too (note this may not always work depending on your browser
settings, so be sure to keep the signup info you wrote down).

7. Now the easy part: click on stuff and explore the website.  You can update
your profile and have some fun looking around.  We’ll probably put some help
pages on the SVMHA site and you can find some generic help on their Support site

This is an automated message sent by the subscription service, and below is their information on how to “authenticate” you and thus protect our site from advertisers and hackers.   Thanks for your patience with this process, and please do let us know how we can improve our additional directions above to help future subscribers with the process.


Discussion Settings (screen excerpt)
Discussion Settings (screen excerpt)

Also – Show a subscribe to comments; Don’t show avatars; Default avatar blank


Media Settings (screen excerpt)
Media Settings (screen excerpt)

Writing (block search, allow normal)

*Note that you might want to have a backup of the “Users” screen.

Good Luck! 🙂

Email Duplicates

Someone just sent this:

“I posted something, or I thought  I did, but it came back to me as an email.  What gives????”

There’s a “Subscription” feature on our blog that notifies you of every new item you or anyone else adds. To change it, when you’re logged in to the SVMHA website click on the words “My Dashboard” near the left in the gray bar across the top of the screen (next to “My Account”). Then click the word “Dashboard” just below SVMHA near the top left, and you’ll see a list of items that ends with the word “Subscriptions” like this:

Subscriptions Screen (top left corner)
Subscriptions Screen (top left corner)

(click the above image if you’d like to enlarge it)

The “Subscription Management” screen shows what you’re subscribed to. If you click the “Settings” link near the top of this screen you’ll get some options for how your Subscriptions work, including a box to click if you don’t want any at all. I’ve left my Subscriptions on so that I’ll know if anyone has posted anything. This would probably be a good idea for everyone who’s a member of the Board or of the Online Committee (OC).

Letter opposing AB 761

Thanks to our neighbors, Sidona, Barbara, and Sandra, who cared enough about AB 761 that they put notices on our backdoors today with sample of what needs to be sent to Sacramento asap.

Since I typed a letter just now, I thought I’d put it on the website in case anyone wants to copy it and save typing their own.  I didn’t do an exact copy of what was sent, but did send what is below.  Certainly anyone can make any changes.  I just thought it might give people a start instead of typing it themselves.  You can just highlight and copy the letter below, and paste into whatever you typically use for writing letters (or call Sen. Corbett at 916-651-4010):

June 18, 2010

Senator Ellen Corbett
Chair, Senate Judiciary Committee
State Capitol, Room 2187
Sacramento, CA  95814

Dear Senator Corbett,
Please OPPOSE  AB 761

We ask your support in opposing AB 761.  The bill would raise rents anytime a mobile home is sold.  This would quickly escalate the cost of living in mobile homes, and eventually eliminate low-income homes for seniors and families.  This is not sensible at a time when there is already too little affordable housing in California.

Please preserve already existing affordable housing by voting NO on AB 761.

Thank you,